

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Elation at opening of the Griffiths Mxenge Informal Traders Hub

Elation at opening of the Griffiths Mxenge Informal Traders Hub

UNDERSCORING the Municipality's commitment to economic growth and social upliftment, e-Thekwini Mayor Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda proudly officiated the opening of the Griffiths Mxenge Informal Traders Hub on 20 May. This significant initiative is part of the City's broader strategy to enhance the township economy and support small business in rural areas and townships. Mayor Kaunda said the project, which cost over R15 million, aligns with government's dedication to promoting township economy and restoring the dignity of local traders. ''By providing proper shelter and facilities, we are ensuring that traders who previously worked in open, challenging conditions can now operate in a comfortable and secure environment. This enhances their business prospects and customer experience,'' explained Mayor Kaunda. The Griffiths Mxenge Informal Traders Hub, located in uMlazi V-Section on Griffiths Mxenge Highway, is a state-of-the-art facility featuring 48 formal units. These prefabricated structures include trading stalls, ablution facilities, and essential bulk infrastructure. ''This development marks a significant step in transitioning informal economic activities to the formal sector, ensuring income security, sustainable livelihoods, and entrepreneurship opportunities,'' added Mayor Kaunda. 
The new hub accommodates a variety of businesses including salons, electrical appliance vendors, food handlers, dry cleaners, fruit and vegetable sellers dry goods merchants, cabinet manufacturers, and office spaces. ''We are delighted that this project also honours the legacy of Victoria and Griffiths Mxenge. The Griffiths Mxenge Informal Traders Hub stands as a testament to our commitment to creating a caring and responsive government, dedicated to the economic empowerment of communities,'' concluded Mayor Kaunda. 


Inner city regeneration forges ahead 

THE city is giving top priority to the renewal of the inner city as a major economic, tourism and residential hub. Driven by the City Manager, Musa Mbhele, fourteen work streams have been established to implement the inner-city regeneration programme which aims improve service delivery, restore law and order, establish further partnerships with civil society and renew the confidence of business, residents, investors and tourists alike. The vision is to make Durban Africa's leading, most vibrant, liveable, walkable city centre. 
Numerous successes have been noted thus far with teams committed to making a difference and restoring confidence in the inner-city. 
The China Emporium that was ravaged by fire is finally being demolished and more than thirty problem buildings have been identified for repair and recovery by the Problem Building Division. 
Contractors have been appointed to carry out this work. 
The demolition of the China Emporium brings the number of demolished buildings to seven in the last five years. In addition, seven hijacked buildings have been returned to rightful owners following interventions from the Problem Building Division, law enforcement agencies and the court. 
The City is also calling on property owners to work together with the Problem Buildings Division to take advantage of the incentives offered and avoid penalties. 
The programme also strategically offers property owners an opportunity to wrap their problem building, allowing them use of the advertising revenue to settle debts and fund renovations. 
The Durban Film Studio is a private sector led project with an estimated investment value of over R7.5 billion. The project Located on the Old Natal Command is envisaged to be a world-class film studio. 
Safety and security in the inner city has been enhanced with the introduction of 300 Urban Improvement Precinct ambassadors who serve as an integral component of the Inner-City Regeneration Programme. An additional twenty ambassadors have been strategically deployed to oversee the night shift operations along Florida Road, spanning from 6 PM to 6 AM, over the next three months. 


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